Cannot run rsync with Mac OSX or SSH in general

  • Greetings,

    rsync runs on my Mac but when I try to rsync something to my Kodi machine (raspi-livingroom) I see this:

    sh: rsync: not found

    rsync --verbose tells me that (OSX) rsync is "opening connection using ssh -l root raspi-livingroom rsync --server -vvlogDtprz --partial . /storage/music/"

    This makes me think raspi-livingroom doesn't have rsync. But I can run rsync from my Kodi box's command line. It IS installed... sorta

    When I run "which rsync" it is at /storage/.kodi/addons/

    So, it's installed, but not completely. What's the righteous way to enable rsync so it'll work with my Mac or ssh in general?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Have you tried passing the FULL path?

    rsync --verbose ssh -l root raspi-livingroom /storage/.kodi/addons/ --server -vvlogDtprz --partial . /storage/music/

  • I couldn't get that to work, but I managed to come at it from the opposite direction, After I ssh into raspi-livingroom, then I rsync back from my MacBook. However, the OSX rsync is so old I had to both quote and escape file paths

    iTunes Media/Music/The Who => "iTunes\ Media/Music/The\ Who"

    Putting it all together, this worked:

    rsync --verbose -alPvz steve@macbook:"/Users/steve/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Media/Music/The\ Who" .