Hello, could it be possible to add Rpi arch as subforum for community, the same as Apple, Amlogic has?

Community / RPI Category?
JimmySmith -
October 22, 2016 at 5:47 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
For what reason? The RPi is officially supported.
Ah, I dont realized that Community is for unofficial builds, sorry about that.. Anyway, it was convenient (OE), browse just "your" architecture forum posts.. I am using view new posts, and there are a lot of topics through various arch.. That was only point I try to make.. So maybe rephrase that as: Could it be possible to make arch-related subforums?
- Official Post
The old OE forum was confusing for many users and many people posted in the wrong sections.
We have purposely limited the amount of forum sections so people aren't so confused.