Hello there,
I've been using my RockPro64 for a couple of weeks booting from a SD card without issues. The thing is that I've just received my eMMC module and flashed the LibreElec image (based on instructions from the Pine64 wiki) but I got this error when trying to boot it for the first time:
rockpro64 emmc grep: /proc/net/pnp: np such file or directory ***
Error in mount_flash: mount mount_common: Could not mount UUID ...
followed by several other errors and ending up with a Kernel Panic.
First I thought I had a defective eMMC card, but I tried one of ayufan images and it worked perfectly on the very first try. By the way I kept the sd card installation and it keeps booting from it without errors.
These are the LibreELEC images I tried so far: LibreELEC-RK3399.arm-9.1.502-rockpro64 (the latest stable one) and RK3399.arm-9.80-nightly-20191031-cfe1640-rockpro64 (the latest nightly one).
I tried to flash them using both BalenaEtcher (with default configurations) and the following dd line (both on Linux and macOS, and from two different computers):
sudo gdd if=bionic-minimal-rockpro64-0.9.14-1159-arm64.img of=/dev/disk6 bs=4M conv=fsync status=progress
(I've tried a couple of variations, as for example the macOS coreutils gdd and Linux dd, another values to parameter bs, etc. No success).
Am I doing something wrong? Isn't the LibreELEC images compatible with eMMC modules? Could anyone please point me in the right direction?