Universal scraper randomly looks up file names for titles

  • My folder structure is like this

    Movies / <folder with title of movie> / <movie filename>

    It happens like 20% of the time but when I update the library it will search by <movie filename> when its supposed to search by <folder with title of movie. I have set it to search by folder name in the content settings so it shouldn't even be looking at the file names. When I go in into refresh so I can manually enter the proper movie name to search by it shows me that it is searching by <filename>.mkv.

    This was a new install on a Raspberry Pi 4 but it was working fine on my nuc before my nuc died. Its really annoying to manually go in and correct 20% of your library (its a pretty big library), Anyone know why its doing this?

    Also it works fine if its just TV shows, its only movies that have this issue.

    Edited 2 times, last by Darrow9 (October 15, 2019 at 11:49 PM).