Resume last action (remember and restore)

  • Hi, as I'm using the RPI3 with LE in my car, it is really annoying that there is no resume for music. So when I turn off ignition while playing music from spotify or webradio, the RPI shuts down (triggered by GPIO3 connected to M2-ATX power supply). But after turning ignition on again, I'm back at start screen without autostart / resume of last played track.

    Before the RPI i used a windows car-pc where I was able to use the hibernate feature and resume of music / last state was working out of the box. Is there any hibernate feature in the RPI or how can I setup a "resume last action after start"? I thought it would be possible to run a script on shutdown which "writes" the running addon / process to a file and after restart the RPI restores it again.

    Afaik it is possible to run an addon as autostart, but I'm not sure if it can handle autoplay of the last played song by parameters or something else. I'm totally new with python and linux and just want to know, if this would be possible. As my english is not perfect, feel free to ask if you don't understand my request. Thanks in advance!