Retroplayer - ARM64 - Broken Cores

  • Hi,

    Was wondering if retroplayer is officially supported and where to report bugs with its cores.

    Im running the latest official LibreElec Build on my Khadas VIM and noticed some Problems with the cores i tested and was wondering if this is a known problem.

    Some Cores (havent tried all of them yet) have broken Save Files, for example the Snes9x 2010 Core as well as the PCSX Rearmed core create save files which are over 4MB in size. And alle saves (yes psx and snes) had the exact same file size. So i guess this build is broken.

    Trying to load a game with such a broken save file crashes kodi and you can only get the games working again if you deleted that file first.

    I tried different build versions of those emulators.

    Other emulators did not have that problem, bsnes for example works fine and creates correct save files but its way to slow on the khadas vim.

    Anyone noticed this on other platforms?