DVBLink addon - Can't load Dll - TinyXML2

  • Hi,

    LE 7.0.0 generic build
    Hardware: Beebox N3150

    The DVBLink addon (v2.1.4) is not working because of a "Unknown error. Can't load Dll."

    There seems to be a problem with TinyXML2.

    Additional debug info:
    15:55:32 T:140223635781376 NOTICE: PVRManager - starting up
    15:55:32 T:140224575305472 DEBUG: Thread PVRManager start, auto delete: false
    15:55:32 T:140223853860608 DEBUG: Thread PVRClient start, auto delete: false
    15:55:32 T:140223853860608 DEBUG: RegisterClient - registering add-on 'DVBLink PVR Client'
    15:55:32 T:140223853860608 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    15:55:32 T:140223853860608 DEBUG: PVR - Create - creating PVR add-on instance 'DVBLink PVR Client'
    15:55:32 T:140223853860608 DEBUG: ADDON: Dll Initializing - DVBLink PVR Client
    15:55:32 T:140223853860608 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(/storage/.kodi/addons/pvr.dvblink/pvr.dvblink.so.2.1.4)
    15:55:32 T:140223853860608 DEBUG: Loading: /storage/.kodi/addons/pvr.dvblink/pvr.dvblink.so.2.1.4
    15:55:32 T:140223853860608 ERROR: Unable to load /storage/.kodi/addons/pvr.dvblink/pvr.dvblink.so.2.1.4, reason: libtinyxml2.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    15:55:32 T:140223853860608 INFO: Called Add-on status handler for '4' of clientNameDVBLink PVR Client, clientID:pvr.dvblink (same Thread=no)
    15:55:32 T:140223853860608 WARNING: UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on DVBLink PVR Client, status = 6
    15:55:32 T:140223853860608 WARNING: UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to load the dll for add-on DVBLink PVR Client, disabling it
    15:55:32 T:140224668890880 DEBUG: Thread AddonStatus pvr.dvblink start, auto delete: true
    15:55:32 T:140225015240768 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogOK.xml) ------
    15:55:32 T:140225015240768 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogOK.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
    15:55:32 T:140224668890880 DEBUG: Thread AddonStatus pvr.dvblink 140224668890880 terminating (autodelete)

    Kind regards,

  • We always prefer full, unclipped kodi.log files, uploaded to a pastebin website.
    LibreELEC has pastebin support built-in. Log in via SSH and type:

    pastebinit ~/.kodi/temp/kodi.log

    and share the URL here.

  • That is great!

    Can you advice how to "manually" remove the DVBLink addon?
    Should I remove the package via the Kodi interface and delete the zipfile in /.kodi/addons/packages/ ?

    When could I try to add the addon again?

    Edited once, last by RMB (April 28, 2016 at 4:34 AM).