xmltv grabber solution for Tvh and North America...

  • OK - let's try not using the hdhomerun filter just to see if we get a channel listing. Go into the sd2xmltv addon settings and turn off hdhomerun and turn on file based channel filter. Set the number of days to 0. Rerun the internal grabber in tvheadend.

    -- this won't add program data - but should create a file called filter.cfg in your userdata/addon_data/tools.module.sd2xmltv folder.

    Edited once, last by edit4ever (January 4, 2017 at 10:47 PM).

  • You bet! Don't foget after you set the channels to go back and change the number of days downloaded! ;)

    Looks like there's still some work to do on the hdhomerun channel filter. Unfortunately, I won't be able to test that.

  • You bet! Don't foget after you set the channels to go back and change the number of days downloaded! ;)

    Looks like there's still some work to do on the hdhomerun channel filter. Unfortunately, I won't be able to test that.

    Hello, Edit, I saw in your post, that you have the dual ATSC tuner box, Geniatech ATV1950A . How do you like it? Also, I can't find it anywhere, even Geniatech's website does not list a place to purchase.

  • The ATV1950A turned out to not be a viable product. Through testing (mine and about 40 other locations) it was determined that the components used in this model were contributing to unreliable signal tuning. Thus, Geniatech has reworked the components into the ATV1960 model. I have not tested one of those unites yet to see if it has better performance.

    For now - I am not aware of a unit with working internal dual ATSC tuners. If you want two ATSC tuners, you can get a model like the wetek play 2 and then add an external usb tuner. Or get any 905 based media box and add two external usb tuners.

    I am trying to get the Hauppauge dual ATSC usb (955D) working on LE builds - but have not had luck yet. Drivers for that model were written for the DVB version and included in Linux 4.9 - but the ATSC code seems to have errors. And as far as LE goes - we're nowhere near using the 4.9 kernel for the 905 builds - so the drivers would have to be backported (which crazycat has worked on).

    I'm hopeful that the Geniatech ATV1960 might be a viable solution - but until I can see a working version with a very updated DTV app - I'm not convinced. Products like the HDhomerun, Tablo and Channelmaster DVR+ are the only real working multi-tuner ATSC DVRs that I am aware of.

  • The ATV1950A turned out to not be a viable product. Through testing (mine and about 40 other locations) it was determined that the components used in this model were contributing to unreliable signal tuning. Thus, Geniatech has reworked the components into the ATV1960 model. I have not tested one of those unites yet to see if it has better performance.

    For now - I am not aware of a unit with working internal dual ATSC tuners. If you want two ATSC tuners, you can get a model like the wetek play 2 and then add an external usb tuner. Or get any 905 based media box and add two external usb tuners.

    I am trying to get the Hauppauge dual ATSC usb (955D) working on LE builds - but have not had luck yet. Drivers for that model were written for the DVB version and included in Linux 4.9 - but the ATSC code seems to have errors. And as far as LE goes - we're nowhere near using the 4.9 kernel for the 905 builds - so the drivers would have to be backported (which crazycat has worked on).

    I'm hopeful that the Geniatech ATV1960 might be a viable solution - but until I can see a working version with a very updated DTV app - I'm not convinced. Products like the HDhomerun, Tablo and Channelmaster DVR+ are the only real working multi-tuner ATSC DVRs that I am aware of.

    Thanks for the reply, Edit.

  • This thread has been so helpful in getting my LE/TVH/KODI EPG working. I keep running into a problem though when using the sd2xmltv.py script to add a lineup. It frequently crashes out with the following error on some lineups.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "sd2xmltv.py", line 376, in <module>
    File "sd2xmltv.py", line 370, in main
    File "sd2xmltv.py", line 62, in manage
    File "/storage/.kodi/addons/tools.module.sd2xmltv/libschedulesdirect/schedulesdirect.py", line 306, in manage
    File "/storage/.kodi/addons/tools.module.sd2xmltv/libschedulesdirect/schedulesdirect.py", line 353, in _add_lineup
    print(u"\t{0}. {1.name} ({2.location})".format(count, lineup, headend))
    UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe3' in position 31: ordinal not in range(128)

    It appears that the script doesn't like some of the characters, but I'm not sure where to begin trying to fix this as I know nothing of python. Any thoughts?

    EDIT: In an attempt to get it working I modified the print string to only show the number of the listing. This allowed me to add the listing I wanted. Now when I run the script without the -m option it hangs my Pi. I think the script is having issues elsewhere with the encoding of ascii characters.

    Edited once, last by spydah (March 13, 2017 at 4:43 PM).

  • There must be a strange character in your lineup name. I probably need to look at how the encoding is done as that shouldn't cause a problem. I haven't worked on the schedules direct addon in awhile - you may want to check out my last version which included the ability to set lineups and channel filters: thread-3715-post-27764.html#pid27764

    If you want to test that version - you can let me know if you have the same error. If your system is working for now - you may not want to be a guinea pig! :)

  • There must be a strange character in your lineup name. I probably need to look at how the encoding is done as that shouldn't cause a problem. I haven't worked on the schedules direct addon in awhile - you may want to check out my last version which included the ability to set lineups and channel filters: thread-3715-post-27764.html#pid27764

    If you want to test that version - you can let me know if you have the same error. If your system is working for now - you may not want to be a guinea pig! :)

    Per your latest information, I am running the latest LibreELEC version on my Beelink MiniMX 3 (S905) (LibreELEC 8.0 (Kodi 17 Krypton) ) and your latest SD2xmltv addon. It is working perfectly....

    Edit: I was mistaken, I am using an older version of your SD2xmltv addon. I had your newer version installed for awhile, but had to re-do my SD card, so did not go back to your newest addon. Will be testing it now.

    Edit 2: Installed your newest SD version and it is working very well. Now have thumb nails for all the channels.... AWESOME!!

    Edited once, last by clarkss12 (March 14, 2017 at 1:45 AM).

  • There must be a strange character in your lineup name. I probably need to look at how the encoding is done as that shouldn't cause a problem. I haven't worked on the schedules direct addon in awhile - you may want to check out my last version which included the ability to set lineups and channel filters: thread-3715-post-27764.html#pid27764

    If you want to test that version - you can let me know if you have the same error. If your system is working for now - you may not want to be a guinea pig! :)

    WOW, sd4tvh is SO much better!!! But, I'm still running into the encoding issue with it as well. None of my 3 lineups work. I can add them and remove them through the kodi interface, but using the sd4tvh.py and listing the lineups or trying to generate the xmltv.xml file throw the error. Maybe something with my LE version? Happy to move this issue over to a sd4tvh specific thread if that makes sense.

    1. Claro TV Brasil/Via Embratel - Digital (Brazil)
    2. BSkyB - United Kingdom (United Kingdom)
    3. DISH Network - Satellite (USA)

    Example Error

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "sd4tvh.py", line 407, in <module>
    File "sd4tvh.py", line 399, in main
    File "sd4tvh.py", line 68, in manage
    File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/libschedulesdirect/schedulesdirect.py", line 310, in manage
    File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/libschedulesdirect/schedulesdirect.py", line 398, in _list_lineup_channels
    print(u"{0}\t{1.callsign} '{1.name}'".format(channel.channel, channel.station))
    UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf1' in position 28: ordinal not in range(128)