Video not playing after scraping

  • Hi,
    I have a small problem with the newest LE on RPi3.
    I connect to my http-Server with movies. It is of course password protected. I can add the source an play from the source directly (in "Videos"). Log looks like this:

    17:56:18 557.756348 T:1962340352 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening: USERNAME:[email protected]:port/folder/videoname.avi
    17:56:18 557.756409 T:1962340352 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    17:56:18 557.757080 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
    17:56:18 557.771240 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
    17:56:19 558.455750 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Opening stream: 0 source: 256
    17:56:19 558.473694 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Creating video thread
    17:56:19 558.473938 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Opening stream: 1 source: 256
    17:56:19 558.541321 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Creating audio thread
    17:56:19 558.625244 T:1962340352 NOTICE: Display resolution ADJUST : 1280x720 (1280x720) @ 50.00 - Full Screen (34) (weight: 0.000)
    17:56:19 558.628113 T:1874850720 NOTICE: OMXClock using audio as reference

    USERNAME and PASSWORT are not changed (this does appear as this in the log so there are not the real username and passwords that are used). Videos does play fine.

    However after scraping (which works fine for all the movies) and trying to open the movie from the "Movies"-Folder, the log says:

    17:51:14 253.917740 T:1962340352 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening: USERNAME:[email protected]:post/folder/videoname.avi
    17:51:14 253.917816 T:1962340352 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    17:51:14 253.928329 T:1401803680 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
    17:51:15 254.052109 T:1401803680 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 401
    17:51:15 254.052246 T:1401803680 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 401 for videoname.avi
    17:51:15 254.052338 T:1401803680 ERROR: Open - failed to open source < - Referer Hiding:port/folder/videoname.avi>
    17:51:15 254.052399 T:1401803680 ERROR: CVideoPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [REAL_USERNAME:[email protected]:port/folder/videoname.avi]
    17:51:15 254.052429 T:1401803680 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
    17:51:15 254.052719 T:1962340352 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [USERNAME:[email protected]:port/folder/videoname.avi]
    17:51:15 254.060104 T:1962340352 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()

    Again USERNAME and PASSWORD appear as this, but REAL_USERNAME and REAL_PASSWORD (4th line from the bottom) are the actual username and password. Note that two lines above the port is missing in the Error Message. So it plays from the source but not after scraping from the other location. This does not make sense for me. :)

    I know this is rather specific but maybe it helps the developers. Is this a Kodi problem or a LibreElec problem?

    Thanks for your help!

  • Hi guys,

    same problem here:

    This bug appeared after upgrading to 7.90.006 on my RPi 3. After downgrading to 7.90.005 everything works fine.
    Weirdly enough: This only happens when opening files from the library.
    The same file works if I open it via Videos -> Files. Using the "TV Shows" library the above log is reported.

    Is there any way I can help debug this?

    Edited once, last by xiasou (September 30, 2016 at 8:11 PM).

  • Hi guys,

    same problem here:
    This bug appeared after upgrading to 7.90.006 on my RPi 3. After downgrading to 7.90.005 everything works fine.
    Weirdly enough: This only happens when opening files from the library.
    The same file works if I open it via Videos -> Files. Using the "TV Shows" library the above log is reported.

    Is there any way I can help debug this?

    So same problem... this means it's not a problem with my setup. The server works fine and Samba is not an alternative if you want to access over the internet.

    Anyone else having an idea what changed between 005 and 006 alpha?


  • Hi,
    Kodi beta 3 or version 7.9.007 did not fix this. Does anyone have an idea? I think it's most likely just a small bug...
    I'll be glad to provide debug help / more logs... The server works and with versions smaller 7.9.006 everything is fine.

    Thank you!!

    Edit: OK, seems to be a Kodi-related problem after all. It's solved. --> #17005 (Video not playing after scraping) – Kodi - TRAC , thanks anyway!

    Edited once, last by Jonsky (October 28, 2016 at 6:16 PM).