Television CEC Problem

  • First of all hello and congrats for the project.

    I have installed LibreELEC (LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-7.0.2.img.gz) on a raspberry 3 and everything is smooth except for one thing.

    I have it connected on a LG television with hdmi cable and using it via the remote control of the tv. I have Simplink enabled in the tv settings and the remote is working.

    But it stops working when i change from HDMI 1 lets say to TV and then go back to HDMI 1 (HDMI 1 = raspberry). The screen is fade(grey) and the remote does not work from that point. It works again if i restart the raspberry.

    Any ideas? Do you need sth more? A configuration file or anything?

    Thank you.

  • Hi,
    I have LG and its tricky sometimes. After switch channel, you just try to initiate Simplink again, via menus. In my case, TV shows Simplink failed, but CEC-Kodi connections works again.

  • Hi,
    I have LG and its tricky sometimes. After switch channel, you just try to initiate Simplink again, via menus. In my case, TV shows Simplink failed, but CEC-Kodi connections works again.

    Well i have another LG in the house and it's ok with this. I was thinking maybe there was some kind of setting