so, I'm running LE 8.90.4 on my minix u9h. 2 USB HDD are hooked to the box. I'm running osmc on my RPI 3 b+, both boxes are hooked to my Asus 86u via gbit ethernet. My problem is when running transmission and trying to save on one of the hdds attached to the minix, it hangs and when I look at journalctl xe I see the cifs mount from the minix gets timeout. Any reason why this is happening. It works sometimes and sometimes it doesnt. When using hdds hooked directly to my router USB ports all is well
Help me with cifs timeout
wapvi -
June 5, 2019 at 11:44 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
No idea, but probably foul code in the legacy kernel. You already have a good solution.