alpha 6

  • hello
    i have just seen that is a new version of Krypton.
    I use RPI 3 without any issues from the begining, works perfect for me as a media player.

    15 mins. earlier i wanted to install the 006 version on a new sd card with sd creator but the alpha 6 exists in the list. Itried to update in the libreelec settings (on my alpha 5 sd card) but no tar file except 005 and others before are there.
    So dowload the 006 imgz and install with -sd formatter +win32 usual. When i insert the sd card in the rasp and try to run the program the gteen led flash one time then , black screen. Shut down power then restart power same green led flash one time then rainbow screen.

    Is it anything to do in the conf txt before or maybe it is too soon today to install the Alpha 6 version
    Thanks for reply.
    *sd card with sd creator but the alpha 6 doesn't exist in the list
    oops sorry for this stupid question tar file 006 is in the libreelec settings .....and update works

    Good evening all
    hi it s me again (pffff)

    in sd creator the file is in also
    sorry all

    Edited once, last by PITCHER (September 26, 2016 at 7:44 PM).