Official RTC Shield for Odroid C2

  • No. DTS entry was missing. You have to wait for the next release.
    blackride but you can use that command from a Ubuntu PC and locate the file meson64_odroidc2.dtb on microsd card.

    Edited once, last by GDPR-1 (October 4, 2016 at 4:18 PM).

  • No. DTS entry was missing. You have to wait for the next release.
    blackride but you can use that command from a Ubuntu PC and locate the file meson64_odroidc2.dtb on microsd card.

    i tried

    wget -O rtc.patch


    am@G-Mason:~/$ wget
    --2016-10-04 21:41:45--
    Распознаётся (
    Подключение к (||:443... соединение установлено.
    HTTP-запрос отправлен. Ожидание ответа... 404 Not Found
    2016-10-04 21:41:47 ОШИБКА 404: Not Found.

    Edited once, last by blackride (October 4, 2016 at 4:50 PM).

  • I'm sorry blackride but what you are writing doesn't make sense. The fdtput command is not suppose to be put in boot.ini!? fdtput is part of device-tree-compiler scripts that afaik are neither included in uboot nor LibreELEC!?

  • I'm sorry blackride but what you are writing doesn't make sense.

    Please tell me. Thank you.

    What is the working principle?
    I can not understand.
    If my system time eg 10:00.
    I request command hwclock -r. The command says 6:00
    Then I write to the memory RTC module the command hwclock -w.
    And again I am requesting command hwclock -r. The command says 10:00. OK

    I reboot. Requesting command hwclock -r. The command says 6:00.
    It turns out that every time you boot LE overwrites the memory module the RTC?

  • I would like to return to this topic. I don't quite understand. But I think that the logic of work for the pcf8563 module is not built correctly. Why add this feature to the kernel if it doesn't work?

    "If my system time eg 10:00.

    I request command hwclock -r. The command says 6:00

    Then I write to the memory RTC module the command hwclock -w.

    And again I am requesting command hwclock -r. The command says 10:00. OK

    I reboot. Requesting command hwclock -r. The command says 6:00."

    Can anyone explain how to set the time on the module so that when the system is rebooted, the time in the module remains the same?