AMD GPU lockup

  • Hi to All !!

    I'm using LibreElec for a long time now, and i really like it !!

    I use a 6 core AMD_x64 that can software-decode Hevc without problems. (i even have 2 cores disabled to save energy)

    Lately I had to move to LE9.0.1 because of DRM.

    Since the new linux kernel, resume from sleep takes 12 seconds instead of 2 seconds.

    It turns out to be the onboardGPU that locks-up during suspend/resume. The new kernel has a soft-reset function, but that takes 10.000 msec to react.

    Is there a way to shorten the reaction time to f.i. 2 seconds ? or force a softreset directly ?

    Google tells me to use the "lockup_timeout=xxxxx" command, but that does not seem to work.

    I attached the dmesg: at 82.479772 Resume starts, at 94.790050 the GPU lockup is detected, and softreset kicks in.

    Is there a linux-guru around to help me ?

    Thanks in advance !!

  • Hi mglae,

    Thanks, that worked !!

    This is what i did: (maybe someone else has this problem too)

    I use the LibreElec(RR-20190423) build from 5schatten.(thanks man, you rock !)

    Kernal version: 5.0.9., Mesa 19.0.2. , openGL vs3.3. Kodi 18.2.

    I have an AMD PhenomII X6 1055T CPU (6 core) with onboard graphics RS880 (AMD/ATI HD42XX)

    I logged in via SSH, and type: mount -o remount,rw /flash (to make the system writeable)

    Then type: nano /flash/syslinux.cfg  (to edit the linux boot config, for LibreElec)

    After the word 'quiet' i add: radeon.lockup_timeout=2000 (to make the GPU driver reset itself after 2 sec. instead of 10.)

    Save the file with CtrlX, and reboot.

    Now the resume takes only 3 seconds instead of 12.

    It is not usefull to go below 2 seconds lockup_timeout, because it also takes 2 seconds for the network to resume.

    I can confirm that VAAPI h264 hardware acceleration works with this setup (kodi 18.2 and AMD IGPU).

    Only, after suspend/resume, i get a black screen on the video's. Reboot does restore the VAAPI function.

    H265/Hevc hardware acceleration does not work: the HD4200 can not do that.

    Also, on the kodi Chrome browser (version 73.0.3683), hardware acceleration works, and the screen is smooth and no trearing.