I've managed to succesfully map MELE F10 PRO remote some time ago on LE 8.x.x and it worked flawlessly.
Now however when I've upgraded to 9.0.x while it does still work in the button area, the integrated sound card is always ON despite the Kodi settings (I run sound through HDMI), which means that the radio connection for the sound card is always on which means that the battery lasts 2-3 days instead of 2-3 months.
Is there a way of disabling a certain device (sound card) while leaving the other device running in LE?
EDIT: Used HW is RPi 3B+
Thank you!
What I did before the F10 Pro worked well in LE 9.0.0:
1.) I copied "99-melenew.hwdb" file in /storage/.config/hwdb.d/
2.) I updated the library using udevadm hwdb --update
3.) I rebooted the device
I've uploaded the dwdb file as a txt file.
Thank you!