Hey, I installed gb/gba emu and now I try to run. I'm not sure where the Roms I have to place
I don't find any folder for this after installation many emulators
Can anybody help me please ?
Libreelec 19
Hey, I installed gb/gba emu and now I try to run. I'm not sure where the Roms I have to place
I don't find any folder for this after installation many emulators
Can anybody help me please ?
Libreelec 19
Add your ROMS (files) to the games folder on the main screen
Thank you for response,
You mean here:
# LibreELEC #
# https://libreelec.tv #
LibreELEC (official): 9.0.1 (RPi2.arm)
LibreELEC:~ # ls
backup music roms tvshows
lost+found pictures screenshots videos
LibreELEC:~ #
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I do that:
# LibreELEC #
# https://libreelec.tv #
LibreELEC (official): 9.0.1 (RPi2.arm)
LibreELEC:~ # cd roms
LibreELEC:~/roms # ls
The Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening DX.gbc
LibreELEC:~/roms #
Display More
but I can't start any GBC emulator
Your original question was where to place the ROMs. Now you want help with a game addon ?
Did you try asking for help from the appropriate addon page ?
My main issue is that I'm not sure where I have to place the Roms - I want know the right place for the roms to launch the roma
Click on the "games" button on the main screen and then click on add files,
If you don't have a "games" button, you might have it hidden in the interface / skins setup menu.
I use the Confluence Skin, so it may be laid out differently in your case