Aspect ratio change not auto recognized on RPi / LE 9.0

  • Hi,

    In my testing, 2 clean installs of LE9.0 on RPi don't automatically recognize a change from 16:9 to 4:3 aspect ratio and vice versa in "normal" view mode.

    The same Kodi 18 on PC with same videos is OK.

    There is a (somewhat tedious) workaround - stop playback after the aspect ratio change, then restart.

    This happens e.g. on a 4:3 TV program with 16:9 commercials inserted.

    - OE7 / Kodi 16.1 didn't have this issue

    Edited 2 times, last by keynet: Improve description of problem, simpler workaround (March 3, 2019 at 6:44 PM).

  • This happens e.g. on a 4:3 TV program with 16:9 commercials inserted.

    Before we start ordering our new crystal ball for the year 2020, can we start by you providing us a full debug-enabled kodi.log file, so we can look at some internals? We will need more details on the what, how, and when (and why).

    And which of the 7-8 RPi models is this about?