Observations after upgrade to LibreELEC 9.0.0 on Odroid C2

  • Hi,

    after the upgrade I observe several issues that make kodi leia a showstopper:

    * sound appears to be not working at all, regardless of the settings chosen (passthrough on/off, ..)

    * playing archive files does not work; after installing the archive-vfs plugin the library finds them but when navigating to such a file and pressing "ok" it says that it can't find the file

    * CEC works only half; the remotes play/stop/pause buttons do not work any longer.

    * fanart fetching goes timeout constantly (may be a temporary outage of the fanart service)


    Going to flash back 8.x ..

    Edited once, last by dpsenner (February 15, 2019 at 9:26 PM).

  • No, but this is hopefully valuable feedback that gives a developer clues of what does not work. I have no idea on how to fix these issues myself. If this is the wrong place to put the feedback please point me to the right place to go to. To me the old release works fine for now and I may try newer releases every few months and contribute back the observations feedback. That's all I am willing to contribute and if you don't like that to happen I may as well stop doing that. But at this point your harsh and non-inclusive response did not produce an outcome of mutual benefit. For now I read your message as if it was one sentence only "thanks, forwarded to the developers".

    Today I read the release notes of both libreelec 9.0.1 and kodi 18.1. Unfortuntely it is still unclear to me whether any of the above issues have been addressed. Does someone have any insights to share?

    In case there is more troubleshooting required to pinpoint an issue I gladly be your guinean pig that hacks those commands and feeds back information.