Adding a LIbreELEC PC to a Windows 7 wired home network

  • That's a good notion. I'll see what I've got that's suitable...


    My Marantz AV receiver is network-capable (though I've never used that aspect of it) so I connected it to the router. And there it is, in the network listing: I can access its setup menus from my Windows 7 PC.

    On the other hand - something else I'd forgotten and only noticed while connecting up the receiver- my Sky HD box was already connected to the router. And the connecton works: I can access all the various on-demand services. However it doesn't show up as part of the network and as far as I know never has - but perhaps it's designed that way? I tried entering the Sky IP address in Windows Explorer and got nothing.

    The Marantz's immediate trouble-free connection does suggest that it's the LibreELEC installation which is causing the network no-show.

    Edited 6 times, last by Bert Coules (February 14, 2019 at 6:11 PM).

  • This is beginning to get spooky. This morning I checked the Network listing on my main PC - and the LibreELEC machine was there. Just now, having changed absolutely nothing in the meantime, I looked again - and it was gone...


    And it's never reappeared, so either I was mistaken or hallucinating.

    Edited 2 times, last by Bert Coules (February 20, 2019 at 10:01 AM).