Another backend available for LibreElec??

  • Located in the USA if that matters:

    Try as I might, and even with help from this and other forums, I cannot get my 1.5 month old RPi3 running LibreElec to also be my TVHeadend backend using an HDHomerun Extend tuner for just a handful [7] of OTA TV stations.

    Nothing but grossly distorted images even when just attempting to use the TVHeadend client on live TV. Forget about recording anything.

    My Laptop [Win 7 64 bit] and my NVidia shield verify that any recordings attempted from the RPi are unusable.

    The RPi3 & LibreElec work perfectly if I keep my laptop running ServerWMC for all my recordings and use the appropriate client on the RPi3 for WMC. Live TV and recordings are perfect.

    Is there another backend which will play well as a client/server on a single RPi3 running LibreElec which does not require a degree in linux programming to install?

    I'd gladly purchase another RPi3 and install LibreElec/TVHeadend if the problem was only attempting to use the client and server function on the same Pi but I don't see any indication that this will work with my HDHomerun tuner as I can never achieve a viewable recording from TVHeadend even if I am NOT doing anything else in KODI.

    Thanks to all those who tried to help before and to those who hopefully can point me in the right direction.

    NOTE: Using Live TV for shows with ServerWMC running is superior to the HD app provided by Silicon Dust as that app has all sorts of problems with intermittent audio.

    Edited once, last by MikeW (August 31, 2016 at 7:48 PM).