can't find LebreELEC add-ons repo and related PVR & IPTV client on FEDORA KODI install.

  • I was comparing KODI install on Raspberry PI from LibreELEC to that from FEDORA & FUSON repo.

    I figured out that a LibreELEC repo zip file could be installed, but didn't find it.

    I think I need a little push

    Thanks in advance

  • Thanks for the answer an info on repo.

    I just read that this repo was the one to consider to get KODI on linux FEDORA.

    My plan was to install and learn KODI from linux workstation with keyboard before the final usage on Raspberry which is also new for me.

    If I understand well, I shall cancel this idea to learn from Worstation with Fedora since add-on not availablr in this distro, is that correct ?

    Thanks again.

  • OK thanks a lot, I will just focus on my apps on Raspberry with all LE consistent environment.

    Congratulation for the product LE and support you provide.

    All the best to all the team.