8.95.3 on ODROID C2 bad network Performance.

  • Hi, after updating to 8.95.3 I seem to have a problem with the network performance.

    Two issues:

    1. Medialibrary via shared mysql db remains empty after start (works on Nuc, rpi, android).

    This can be resolved by: systemctl restart kodi

    2. 4k content is now stuttering (10 sec reload after every minute or so played)

    Medialibrary worked since 8.90.5 (earliest version tested on ODROID)

    4k worked with 8.95.2 (only tested 4 k content there)

    This seems to indicate a network problem in the current 8.95.3 release (at least in my environment).

    If you need me to provide some logs, just tell me what you need.

    CU Frank

  • 1. Enter some value into "Wait for network before Kodi starts" in preferences. In my setup 4 seconds is enough.

    2. Start with checking your network speed by issuing the following in ssh session to the Odroid:

    SmarTV:~ # ethtool eth0 | grep Speed
        Speed: 1000Mb/s

    As you see in my example I am on gigabit ethernet speed (I also can not report any issues with network speed). I actually am watching Planet Earth 2 in 4K as we speak.

    Please check if your other devices have similar problems with the content, perheps it's a server-side issue. BTW the network capacity needed for the 4K content as measured by iftop is around 35-38 Mb/s so even a 100mbit network should cope with that...

                             19.1Mb                    38.1Mb                   57.2Mb                    76.3Mb              95.4Mb
    └────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────┴────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────                                       =>                                        485Kb   609Kb   461Kb
                                                       <=                                                    24.2Mb  31.4Mb  23.3Mb
  • Hi,thanks for the hints..

    After Reinstallation and checking the whole network queue, I identified the network cable as the bad guy.

    It seems to have been somewhere in between of working and nirvana, that's why it was working sometimes and sometimes created very low throughput.

    So Bug was on my side, sorry thanks :)

    CU Frank