Compile add-on without compiling image

  • As stated, I want to compile add-on without compiling the image. It takes forever to compile on my not so powerful machine and then one error it all stops and I have to start again.

    I just want to compile the add-on not the image.

    Is it possible?

  • Thank You. It is the first thing I tried, I just thought that compiling an addon wouldn't take that long. In the terminal i see almost every other thing to do with libreelec except the addon that is meant to be compiled lol.

    Does some part of the image need to be compiled as well for the addon, if you have never compiled anything before? (brand new vm ubuntu)

    Edited once, last by mfizz (January 19, 2019 at 10:15 AM).

  • Thank you, I am struggling a little bit though, it says:

         UNPACK      tvheadend42
             APPLY PATCH (common)      packages/addons/service/tvheadend42/patches/tvheadend42-01-dvb-scan-path.patch
    patching file src/input/mpegts/scanfile.c
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 906 (offset 3 lines).
             APPLY PATCH (common)      packages/addons/service/tvheadend42/patches/tvheadend42-02-hdhomerun-includes.patch
    patching file configure
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 411 (offset 49 lines).
    patching file src/input/mpegts/tvhdhomerun/tvhdhomerun_private.h
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 24.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file src/input/mpegts/tvhdhomerun/tvhdhomerun_private.h.rej

    So I deleted the file considering I don't even need Tvh with hdhomerun. But the compile later fails with error:

    If I should create a new thread for this or post in nightlies thread, please let me know.