8.2 : where do I edit keymaps? ( Kassak build for X905W )

  • Fed a X96mini an image, works, but: where do I put custom edited keymaps?

    I tried


    (like I'm used to), rebooted, nothing.

    /storage/.kodi/system/keymaps/ <- created keymaps subdir, then cp'ed keyboard.xml from /usr... and edited that, reboot, still no cigar.

    Confused. Help?

  • Tried the keymap editor addon, but it doesn't show all options I'd like to edit. ZoomIn/ZoomOut for example. Onyl Zoom levels.

    Meanwhile figured


    is where I need to edit, but now the Editor addon has done its own changes:

    x96mini:~/.kodi/userdata/keymaps # ls -1



    So I don't know which if I can still make manual edits now neither to which file.