No signal on HDMI screen after changing screen resolution and power on the next day

  • In attachment is the following file :


    I tried using Etcher but it doesn't change anything.

    My current situation is that I have uncommented "hdmi_force_hotplug=1" in config.txt in order to get the screen working, but when I boot the Raspberry, I have a bad resolution, I need to just reboot once to get the good resolution.

  • I have been tried a Raspberry Pi with LE on my DVI monitor, and it worked fine with a DVI <---> HDMI adapter. But maybe your screen simply doesn't send any data from it's DE-15 output to Kodi.

    So, what could you do in that case? You could insert the data by yourself. You need to know the resolution and the vertical frequency of your screen. Here is my guisettings.xml. Try to adapt it for your needs.

  • Do you mean that I should insert manually this line :

    <setting id="videoscreen.whitelist">0192001080060.00000pstd,0192001080050.00000pstd,0128000720060.00000pstd,0128000720050.00000pstd</setting>

    to my config file and adapt it to my Philips 224E5QSB/93 screen (1920x1080, 60Hz)? If yes, how should I get the pstd figures corresponding to my screen ?

    Screen reference :


  • Do you mean that I should insert manually this line :

    <setting id="videoscreen.whitelist">0192001080060.00000pstd,0192001080050.00000pstd,0128000720060.00000pstd,0128000720050.00000pstd</setting>

    To be precise, insert / edit the content of this XML tag into your existing empty XML tag.

    The content is:


    You can see four comma-divided values. The relevant numbers are before the point. For value one "0192001080060" is relevant. It means a resolution of 1920x1080 and a vertical frequency of 60Hz. Now you can insert all data, which your screen supports (see your manual).

    The selected (in-use) value of the described whitelist is stored here:

    <setting id="videoscreen.screenmode" default="true">DESKTOP</setting>

    The value "DESKTOP" means 720p / 50Hz (last value of my whitelist). You can replace that value by any value of your whitelist.

    Hopefully Kodi will not overwrite your edited guisettings.xml (store a backup). If it does, maybe removing the write permission for that file could help.

  • I have set the videoscreen.whitelist as indicated, then shutdown -h now and boot again the Raspberry, but this setting is removed at the boot and I even get back the configuration wizard.