Playstation DualShock controller - not all buttons work

  • Hello

    I have a 64-bit PC running LibreElec 8.90.009 and have been playing a few old games (using RetroArch and also IAGL).

    I've plugged in my Playstation 2 DualShock controllers using USB adapters, but I they won't function properly. The main issue is that the 'shape' buttons (triangle, square, circle) won't respond. I tried to Configure Attached Controllers (System > Input) for the Dual Shock using the Playstation DualShock profile, but pressing the shape buttons does nothing (the others seem fine).

    I wondered whether the USB adapters were at fault, but everything works fine out of the box on a separate installation that runs Retroacrh on Lakka.

    Could this be a bug//known issue with LibreElec 8?

    Can anyone help me please?

    My log file is here:



  • Kindly first fully clean up your Kodi device from crap like Noobsandnerds and the superrepo repositories. As per forum rules (to which you have agreed), support will be withheld until you fully comply with Kodi's zero-tolerance stance towards video piracy.