Maybe I should have see this one coming, but it is such a basic usability function that I didn't imagine it wouldn't be available…
My new Pi is clearly burning through a fair amount of power - it gets warm to the touch. As such, when I am not at home with music playing, it makes sense to turn it off. (Yes, the Pi stays hot even when it's not doing any work - I've got two of them and both do this.)
Now, turning it OFF is straightforward using the remote. There are buttons that trigger the process.
But, as far as I can see, the only way to turn it back ON is to unplug and replug the power! (No, I can't flip a wall switch - that's behind a bookcase, and then there's a power strip (without switches, so the wall options wouldn't have been viable anyway.)
Is this device design really as planet/user-unfriendly as it seems? Or am I missing something obvious?