Posts by rickyagodich

    Maybe I should have see this one coming, but it is such a basic usability function that I didn't imagine it wouldn't be available…

    My new Pi is clearly burning through a fair amount of power - it gets warm to the touch. As such, when I am not at home with music playing, it makes sense to turn it off. (Yes, the Pi stays hot even when it's not doing any work - I've got two of them and both do this.)

    Now, turning it OFF is straightforward using the remote. There are buttons that trigger the process.

    But, as far as I can see, the only way to turn it back ON is to unplug and replug the power! (No, I can't flip a wall switch - that's behind a bookcase, and then there's a power strip (without switches, so the wall options wouldn't have been viable anyway.)

    Is this device design really as planet/user-unfriendly as it seems? Or am I missing something obvious?

    I tried copy another file in modprode.d, changing its content per the instructions - that one "options…" line - assuming that's what the command would create. That didn't work, either.

    It also doesn't help that there appear to be no resources that indicate what the correct code for the UK is. I've seen stuff that hints that it's GB, but I have yet to find a clear list.

    Thanks chewitt

    I tried that, but got the messege:

    -sh: can't create /storage/.config/modprobe.d/cfg80211.conf: nonexistent directory

    If I connect to the device using Samba, I see a Configfiles folder, rather than /storage/.config (which then contains a modprobe.d)

    While that may technically prove to be a hack, it does not adress the basic problem.

    I have another Pi, set up with Raspbia, and it has no problem with the 5G channel. Therefore, unless you are tell me that it's likely a hardware problem, the only answer that makes sense is that LibreELEC is not applying the Region setting to the network configuration, which is a software problem.

    I've seen the solutions based on editing some file. But how do I do that from the Kodi GUI? And where is that file - the references I've seen to a cfg80211.conf, which I can't see on my device.

    I have just set up a new Pi3B+ with LibreELEC.

    It is not seeing my 5G network.

    Yes, I figure this is that it hasn't been informed - it never asked - that I am in the UK and so am allowed to access higher-number channels.

    All the posts I have seen here give instructions how to make this change using a terminal. But I do not see how to access a terminal on my installation. I have only the GUI. (I realise that, in theory, I could enable SSH, connect remotely, and configer it, but that then requires knowing a bunch of codes that I would never have reason to use, so can't remember.) Where is the graphical configuration of network location? (And I have already set the overall system location to UK.)