Libeelec Linux not automatically repairing ext4 external drive

  • Greetings! I tried searching for this on the forum before posting so I apologise if I overlooked the answer, I've been having an issue where if I lose power to my x86 kodi box running libreelec linux that it is not repairing the external media drive automatically. I have to go in and run fsck manually to repair the external drive so I was wondering if there is an option I'm maybe overlooking that I can enable to automatically repair the external drives upon boot. Thanks in advanced!

  • If you keep on having to run fsck, perhaps the drive is faulty. Perhaps you need to try putting it in an enclosure & checking it with some of the manufacturers test tools.

  • Its only when i lose power to the device that I have to run fsck. Otherwise it used to work fine ntfs with no need to repair ever. I moved it to ext4 to be a more native partition for linux.

  • LE contains routines to fsck the boot partition if errors are found but I'm not sure those also include the /storage partition. NB: The solution to repeated power-off disk corruption issues is either a) stop pulling the power before you shutdown, or b) get a UPS to work around whatever terrible power situation you have going on. It's better to prevent the problem than wrongly assume the problem is always fixable - at some point you'll trash an important disk sector and lose the data. It's one of those "when, not if" scenarios.