LE RAM Management

  • I think this RAM should get it's own thread. With 006 after a few minutes i was able to use up about 49%, with the second devel I'm currently at 34% which is much better. I'm trying to keep my test conistant as possible. So w/e changes you made between the two has improved it, but not yet solved it.

    Let me know what else I can do to help futher.

    I had to reboot after the above test so below is a new test, my box starts up with 16% usage.

    Yes with the second devel release ram usage is much better, but scrolling the library really fast up and down 3 times makes the ram spike to about 57% then it slowly starts to drop. When i started the library test, ram was at 27% after scrolling it jumped up to 57% and now holding at 30%.

    You think the texture bug is still active? People with 1GB probably would have froze by now.

    Great work so far.

    Edited once, last by JonSnow (August 22, 2016 at 5:09 AM).

  • RAM is there to use. ;)

    I think that with 1GB RAM the pressure to free up memory when scrolling would be higher.

    Usage dropped for you to 30%. This would be an issue if it didn't drop or was rising constantly to the point where the box would freeze.

  • Its still increasing as i use the box but at a much slower rate than previous releases. Now at 32% used after slight usage this morning.

    On the Raspberry Pi i never seen RAM hire than 20% and this is after days of usage.

  • Unused RAM = completely wasted RAM. If you're seeing a lot of free memory, something is wrong. Keep in mind that memory used for cache can still be allocated when needed. If you're not having any problems, don't worry about it.

  • Thats the thing I am having issues but it takes days for it to show its effects (box freezing or rebooting). The issue isn't with the fact unused = wasted ram. This has been a known issue for quite a while so just trying to help get to a solution.

    With my setup it better to keep it on 24/7 than to turn it off.