Hello, I have an old boblight system on my TV. I am currently using an RPI for playback and an arduino to run the LED's (ws2811)
The sketch is old and i don't even remember which one i used. The problem I am having is this system has always been a hassle to get working and has never been a plug and play, i am always fiddling with configuration files (beyond the boblightd.conf) to get it to function and it takes hours if not days before i finally get lucky with the solution.
What I am looking for is the most plug and play DIY that anyone knows of. ideally as simple as attach the lights to the arduino run the hyperion configurator apply common sketch (fastled?) to the arduino and tada it works. or something similar.
TL:DL; looking for someone to say this LED strip, This sketch, run hyperion config with these settings and poof
Hardware at my disposal
5V Standalone PSU