Rpi3 timezone DST not working

  • Hi all.

    I've just setup LE on my new rpi3. All seems OK except for the time display, which is showing the correct date but the time is 1 hour slow. I believe it is displaying utc rather than using the UK DST offset of +1 hour.

    I have set Timeserver #1 to pool.ntp.org, enabled "wait for network before starting kodi", set appearance - international - region to UK (24h) and rebooted several times.

    Is there some other setting I've overlooked, or is this a known issue with the rpi builds?
    Sorry, mission aborted! Just found the "timezone country" setting which wasn't set to anything, so got overlooked. Would it not be better for this setting to be automatically set when the user select their region?

    Edited once, last by birchy (August 21, 2016 at 11:14 AM).

  • This relates to Kodi user interface, right?
    If so, best would be to submit your request directly to Kodi ;)

    Not entirely, as this involved changing the NTP settings in libreelec. Also the timezone and locale settings are normally provided by the OS, so I had assumed this was LE related rather than a kodi issue.

    Thanks for the advice though, I will bear this in mind for the future.

  • I agree with you: time servers are set with LibreELEC/Network, language and time zone are set with Kodi/Appearance/International.

    It is easy to overlook corresponding settings ;)


    Searched the list in time zone country but cannot find UK. How did you set it?

  • Hi

    Searched the list in time zone country but cannot find UK. How did you set it?

    I am now using LE 7.90 which sets the timezone automatically, however if I remember correctly, it was listed as Britain or England or London or something like that?