How do I update to beta ?

  • OK,
    probably missed something, but ...
    I'm on 6.90.005 and would like to update to the 6.9.51 beta ... clicking the 'check for updates now' doesn't to anything. So I have to download the update, but I can only find the full image for my Pi3B. Can I update with that and how ?

  • the full image is both for fresh install and updates. You simply need to copy the .img to the update folder and then reboot your device, it should automatically update. The update now option isnt available untill the team start pushing the update to the devices, if ypur not set to automatically update then you would need to use this option or update manually. You should read the newest article on the new page about the update,

    Edited once, last by JJK9 (April 17, 2016 at 11:40 PM).

  • Thanks.
    I read about the disabled 'update' function. But was unsure what to do with the image, previously updates came as .tar files and I thought images were only to create bootable media.

  • You simply need to copy the .img to the update folder and then reboot your device, it should automatically update.

    Just for clarify, you can use the img.gz or the .tar to update, just download and put it in the update folder and reboot. No need to extract something.