Using docker and portainer

  • Hello,

    I'm a bit new with the dockers, so I figured out myself that using Portainer would help me to add new services into my beloved raspberry pi 3 kodi.

    I installed docker and portainer from the Add ons menu , opened a webpage from the correct port, I finally setted up my portainer, all went well. I decided to give a first try by following a tutorial, this one : docker addons and general docker info , from the Portainer section. I tried to follow the instruction to install LinuxServer’s Calibre OPDS Php Server, but unfortunately my container didn't want to start. By looking to the log it shows the same error all the time :

    standard_init_linux.go:178: exec user process caused "exec format error"

    But I don't understand how a format error sliped into an auto container manager.

    Here is the config of the container.

    Thank you for helping me !

  • That's the x86_64 image. You need to use the arm version: