Libreelec Installation Tool - 'No devices were found'

  • I have a working install of Ubuntu and Kodi in another VM, but I am giving Libreelec once last go before I move on. I have used the SD creator on my Ubuntu install to create a flash card copy of the Libreelec OS. I have then successfully booted into Plop Boot Manager and managed to boot into the Libreelec Installation tool. I then get an error however saying that 'No devices were found' when attempting to copy the contents of the SD card over to the system drive to install LE.

    I have copied the instructions given at '…rive-in-vmware/' exactly and am not sure what the issue is. Can anyone please assist?


  • I’ve tried that .ova file if that is what you are referring to. It comes with a 500mb partition size that you cannot change easily. Even if you extend the memory and hard disk size of your virtual machine, the partition will not expand yo fill the space. As a consequence you cannot install any addons. From reading up on this over the weekend, the advice I saw other people getting was to set up your own install using the libreelec SD writer, which is what I did. I used the generic 64 bit design. As I say, I already have Kodi and tvheadend installed and working on another VM. I’ve found the response on the forum so far to be a little bit disinterested so far, which is disappointing for me as it was my preferred OS...

  • PEBKAC. Import the OVA to a vmware app (other than player, which will not work) and set RAM and CPU configuration to what you desire. Then expand the disk to whatever you want (8GB is enough) and power the VM on. If you forgot to expand the disk (so /storage is stuck at 500MB) just trash the VM and start over.

  • VMWare is for development and Testing only - it is not supposed to be used as a live system.

    If I remember from using an ova on vmware, after you have expanded the storage to the new size, you'll need a boot live CD (Ubuntu, recovery CD or whatever) and add that to vmware as another ISO. Then start VMWare and press the boot key <esc> <F1> (Can't remember) and then boot into your live CD. From there use GPARTED to resize the LE image to the new space.

    Shutdown, remove the LIVE CD from VMWare and start it again. It should show the new size.

    As to why it didn't install in the first place, my first thought is your USB flash drive - try another one.

    Also what is you hardware and software (32 or 64bit)

    ...and finally.


    I’ve found the response on the forum so far to be a little bit disinterested so far, which is disappointing for me as it was my preferred OS...

    is not going to make you any friends.