HDMI Video Signal Off/On by Command?

  • Hello, I'm a new user!

    My hardware: Raspberry Pi 3b+

    My software: LibreELEC, latest Milhouse build

    I would like to switch the HDMI video signal off and on by using commands. For testing, I did those commands over SSH terminal:

    HDMI video off: tvservice -o -> WORKS

    HDMI video on: tvservice -p -> DOESN'T WORKS

    What are the right commands to switch the HDMI video signal off and on?

  • Thanx vpeter. I have been tried this commands from your link:

    vcgencmd display_power 0
    vcgencmd display_power 1

    Those commands work, but the first command only turns the screen black, and does not switch the HDMI video signal off.

    The problem behind my question is this: If I turn the TV on, it automatically switches to the active video input signal, and does not stay in TV mode. I want to avoid that behavior by switching the LibreELEC video signal off temporary.

    (If I can't solve it, I have to buy a case with a power button, but to make the power button work, LibreELEC needs additional software - maybe a problem.)