Central speaker doesn't work in 5.1 mode

  • Hello,

    I have an issue reported several times on multiple forums but for which no solution is really provided...

    I just have installed libreelec on a Raspberry pi to test it.

    When I watch DTS movies in 5.1 mode (PCM or Passthrough), I get no sound on the middle channel on my A/V decoder (then I can't hear the voices but only the sounds effects).

    When I switch to 2.0 or 2.1, I have no issue

    When I watch the same move via my Internet Box, The DTS is correctly decoded by my A/V Decoder. Then I really doubt that the issue come from my decoder or my movies...

    Does anybody have an idea how to fix this ?

  • Firstly don't cross posts - it's a sure fire way of your post being ignored.

    Secondly: You haven't deemed it necessary to include the RPi model, LE version, nor how you connect your RPi to your AVR.