Missing built-in Kodi function - CECStandby.

  • Hi,

    Just switched to LE 7.0.2 from OE 6.95.3 hoping that this issue is solved here, but sadly it isn't.

    Kodi built-in command "CECStandby" is not working at all. It was working in OE 6.0.3 but after update to 6.95.3 it stopped. I'm invoking it through simple python script to to turn off my plasma - "xbmc.executebuiltin("CECStandby")". Is there any chance to have it solved?

    It's on RPi 2 with Panasonic plasma connected through CEC.

    Edited once, last by zurdar (August 16, 2016 at 5:40 AM).

  • Enable debug logging and additional CEC logging, clean reboot, demonstrate the problem, and then "cat /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log | paste" the log and share the URL so we can see it.

  • OK, just did it.

    HhKW is with following script:

    import xbmc

    And fifa with slightly different version:

    import xbmc

    The difference is that first one should use CECStandby wchich it's not working and second one switches TV off by activating screen saver (it's configured in KODI CEC configuration). For now I'm using second version as a workaround but it's not convenient at all.

    P.S. It will be easier to search through logs by KEY_POWER lirc messages as this key is used to activate script.

    Edited once, last by zurdar (August 16, 2016 at 6:26 AM).