hey is it possible to fix the moonligh app? it deletes itself because it report broken
Moonlight Broken
Linus -
August 11, 2018 at 2:10 AM -
Closed -
Thread is Resolved
- Official Post
Yes (and No). Each time we fix the moonlight addon some kind of breaking API change is pushed into the next versions of the nVidia code and other libs and it's broken again. None of the staff have the hardware to test it, so we can only go by user reports which are usually as detailed as "it worked" or (more often) "it didn't work" so in the end we've given up and marked the addon as broken. If someone with the hardware and basic dev skills would care to submit curated changes to us on a regular basis to keep it working we'd be happy to receive them. So far nobody cared enough to volunteer though.
what version don't work? I have it working with a full guide on how to do it. Tested on general and raspberry pi.
- Official Post
Basically the last Nvidia driver versions broke it. Its partly (?full) broken at generic and at least it was somehow working at RPi.
Like already said we have no one with the needed hw + interest in maintaining that addon. Maintaining it without the needed hw is not working - i tried this.
- Official Post
ISTR the Amlogic version also had challenges. It really needs to be maintained by someone who uses the addon actively and is prepared to commit some time and effort (and code changes) to keeping on-top of things. Hacking things to work for personal use and making clean submissions to our repo can be a little different, but if that's an issue staff will be more than happy to walk people through the PR process.
So no moonlight on Libreelec 9? Can version 8.2.105 be ported over? Once geforce experience is blocked from updating it works great. Using steam even allows you to return back into libreelec. Only thing that doesn't work is vibration but that's not even in moonlight yet
- Official Post
Correct. No moonlight on LE 9.0 unless someone who uses and cares about the code takes over maintenance to navigate a sensible path through the frequent breakage we've seen with the newer OS codebase. It's not that we haven't tried.
sad i thought its just a little update. i use this app a lot but i have no clue about programming. so just the port version of moonlight on libreelec dont work anymore?
is there a way to use it again with buying an other box or system for the pi
- Official Post
I'm bored of repeating myself so this thread is locked.