Is it possible to edit the boot options on a live USB?

  • I created a live USB and LibreElec works perfectly. But every time I turn it on I am asked for several setting questions (Interface, Network name, Sharing, Remote Access), and it looks for my WIFI. I always click through these as fast as possible clicking "next" to every answer. I am using an old PC, which has no working network connection so I do not need to log into to WIFI. The PC is my only Windows PC so I cannot install LibreElec (and I understand dual booting is problematic).

    Is there an editable (text?) file that I can just set to ignore all the starting questions and set all to default? It is just annoying; LE works perfectly other than five seconds at the beginning of a session, so if there is no answer I can live with it.



  • Yep, perfect. Not really sure what I am doing but hitting tab twice puts me straight into the application without any settings windows.

    Thanks for the help.
