Can't use SSH/SFTP video source on 20180717 RK3328.arm build

  • Hello guys,

    Just flashed the nightly-20180717-873d2c9 build for RK2238 (ROCK64).

    I tried to add a video source using ssh (just like I did on my previous build), but the SSH/SFTP protocol seems not to be present (can't select it because not present in the list).

    Is there a cheat to get it back ?

    Thank you !

  • In the last couple of weeks the SFTP feature was removed from the main Kodi codebase. It can now be (re)installed as a binary add-on (vfs.sftp) but LE hasn't added it to our build-system so it's not in our repo. That will probably happen at some point, but I wouldn't promise when.