No update channel to choose

  • Running libre Elec 7.0.3 with a 16.1 Kodi build. I was attempting to update but there's no channel to choose. That part is just blank. Usually there's something to choose in order to update but there's nothing there. Can anyone here help with my predicament?

    • Official Post

    For major updates, going from 16.x to 17.x, there was no auto-update (afaik), as the system partition size of Kodi 16 had become too small for Kodi 17. This could lock-up many LibreELEC setups. Hence, a fresh install is necessary to make use of Kodi 17.

    Make a good backup of your Kodi 16 setup first, install the fresh Kodi 17, and restore your backup.

    Or, if you are handy enough, resize the system partition of your Kodi device manually, and also upgrade manually after that.

    • Official Post

    Official LE 7.0.3 releases have GUI support for manual updating to something newer (it was added in 7.0.3). The two reasons you won't be able to see something to update to (e.g. an 8.2.5 release) is either a) you're running an unofficial image and there's no equivalent project.arch version on our download server, or b) a network issue that stops you reading the JSON data file that lists all the available versions.

    There are no partition size issues coming from an original LE 7.0.3 install to LE 8.2.5 as all our releases were 512MB. You might see them coming from a much older OE install where the partition sizes were as low as 160MB. That said, older installs will have accumulated enough cruft over time that spring cleaning by taking a backup and selectively restoring the bare essentials (the DB files that track watched status and sources.xml) to a fresh install is never a bad move.