Libreelec on Zidoo X7

  • Hi,

    I already run libreelec @Kwiboo's release on my Rock64, and it run really great. I want to try libreelec on my Zidoo X7, Zidoo stop supporting this device, why ? I don't know and I, sincerely, don't really care.

    Is there a way to run libreelec on this device ? I already run libreelec on some Amlogic devices, is it the same recipe ? Or it's different with a Rockchip device ?

    I try Trn9 and Z28 version without success, my Zidoo do not boot. May be I need to extract the DTB of my device...

    Thank you for your help !

  • Without any support from the manufacturer or open source code for the device, it would nearly be impossible to run LibreELEC on a Zidoo X7.

    Only the Rock64, Bqeel MVR9, ROC CC and Z28 RK3328 to a lesser extend has LibreELEC support as they are development boards or have support from the manufacturers to help with LibreELEC compatibility.

  • i tried LE on my X7 and dtb from ROC CC and Rock64 works, but i guess no Wifi, didnt test.

    sd card, change dtb in extlinux.conf file

    Edited once, last by muya (July 9, 2018 at 3:31 PM).

  • Hi ! Wich image do you take exactly ? Are they the same except the dtb ?

    I try to burn trn9 image on SD card, change dtb with the dtb of rock64 (I try also the dtb of ROC CC).

    I change the name of the dtb in the extlinux.conf

    But the box do not boot...

    Do you rename the dtb file to dtb.img ? (and rename it in the .conf file ?)

    The recipe seem to be really simple... It's funny when it not working the first time :)

    Thank you for your help !