Leia 18 - Missing Fonts

  • Hey Guys

    Ive been rebuilding the i386 arch and have it compiling and booting all fine except for missing fonts.

    I know its not a supported architecture but would anyone mind taking a look at the log files as i cant see anything terribly bad that would prevent the text to load

    it has all the same markings as #17661 (Text/Fonts gone/invisible) – Kodi - TRAC but just looking to rule out the distro before i attach the logs to the ticket

    kodi.log: http://ix.io/1emt

    dmesg: http://ix.io/1emv

    source: GitHub - BoLaMN/LibreELEC.tv: Just enough OS for KODI

    screenshot: w9y_ij4vwu.png


    01_KODI.log: http://ix.io/1enp

    02_System.log: http://ix.io/1enq

    03_Hardware.log: http://ix.io/1enr

    04_Audio.log: http://ix.io/1ens

    05_Network.log: http://ix.io/1ent

    06_varlog.log: http://ix.io/1enu

    07_input.log: http://ix.io/1env

    08_Filesystem.log: http://ix.io/1enx

    09_Journal-cur.log: http://ix.io/1eny

    Xorg.0.log: http://ix.io/1ena


    Edited 2 times, last by BoLaMN: add files from logfiles.zip and Xorg.0.log (June 25, 2018 at 6:56 PM).

  • Never mind me 945GME isnt supported by vaapi and there for fails to load was geting confused with xf86-video-intel ill turn software rendering on and see if the font displays

  • It's probably unrelated, but it looks like you screwed file permissions as every file has been changed from 644 > 755, and some of those files are scripts that will be copied with current perms intact into the LE image. You need to clone to the git repo to a Linux filesystem like EXT4 to keep the perms intact. I'd hazard a guess that you've cloned to something like NTFS "because working on Windows is easier" .. but it will ultimately cause more problems than it solves. Changing every file also means people have to 'page down' about 500 times to review all your changes .. which means nobody it likely to review them. Commit the changes for each file you touch (usually package.mk's) so that others can follow them.

  • running OSX with Ubuntu in parallels so not sure where the permission change happened maybe something related with the samba share.

    I’ll strip the commit set and rebase the diff anyway just in case.

  • It's probably unrelated, but it looks like you screwed file permissions as every file has been changed from 644 > 755, and some of those files are scripts that will be copied with current perms intact into the LE image. You need to clone to the git repo to a Linux filesystem like EXT4 to keep the perms intact. I'd hazard a guess that you've cloned to something like NTFS "because working on Windows is easier" .. but it will ultimately cause more problems than it solves. Changing every file also means people have to 'page down' about 500 times to review all your changes .. which means nobody it likely to review them. Commit the changes for each file you touch (usually package.mk's) so that others can follow them.

    fixed the repo changeset Commits · BoLaMN/LibreELEC.tv · GitHub

  • i am experiencing the same problem when i watch a movie or internet stream and turning back to main menu.i read this thread bu couldnt understand if there is a solution. BoLaMN can u help me if u have any solution. thnx