Hey Guys
Ive been rebuilding the i386 arch and have it compiling and booting all fine except for missing fonts.
I know its not a supported architecture but would anyone mind taking a look at the log files as i cant see anything terribly bad that would prevent the text to load
it has all the same markings as #17661 (Text/Fonts gone/invisible) – Kodi - TRAC but just looking to rule out the distro before i attach the logs to the ticket
kodi.log: http://ix.io/1emt
dmesg: http://ix.io/1emv
source: GitHub - BoLaMN/LibreELEC.tv: Just enough OS for KODI
screenshot: w9y_ij4vwu.png
01_KODI.log: http://ix.io/1enp
02_System.log: http://ix.io/1enq
03_Hardware.log: http://ix.io/1enr
04_Audio.log: http://ix.io/1ens
05_Network.log: http://ix.io/1ent
06_varlog.log: http://ix.io/1enu
07_input.log: http://ix.io/1env
08_Filesystem.log: http://ix.io/1enx
09_Journal-cur.log: http://ix.io/1eny
Xorg.0.log: http://ix.io/1ena