Audio settings in Rasp 3b+ and DTS / Dolby 5.1 decoder

  • Hi,

    I have the Raspberry 3b+ connected trough HDMI to a soundbar who admits DTS, Dolby Digital and 6 PCM channels, but not E-AC-3

    I have selected 5.1 speakers, HDMI output and passthrough enabled for DTS and Dolby, not E-AC-3.

    DTS and Dolby Digital works fine through passthrough, and stereo and other fonts too. But if i play a video with E-AC-3, sounds in stereo. If i disable passthrough, sounds in stereo. And, if i select 2.0 speakers, and enable AC3 transcoding (only appears in this mode, missing from 5.1 sepeakers configuration), surround sound works fine again.

    Some explanation to this?

    Thank you!

    • Official Post

    As the RPI3 B+ came out just after the release of LE 8.2.5 it might be worth trying the latest LE9 Milhouse builds as any RPI kernel issues may have been solved. If not, report your "Bug" to the forums, so they can look into the issue,