LibreELEC-RR 9.x [ Emulationstation | Retroarch | Pegasus | DolphinQT | Moonlight | Chrome | Spotify ]

  • jaykass

    I use Mint 19 so a Ubuntu 18.04.x based build system so better upgrade your distribution to build this fork. Btw. you forked a fork? Better rebase against upstream and then add your changes / files. (GitHub - jaykass/ 'Just enough OS' for Kodi)

    Can you upload your terminal output when moonlight fails to build?

    I originally forked an S905 community build but S905 is now included upstream. I am currently basing off of the master branch of libreelec. GitHub just still shows I forked from kszaq (the original maintainer of the s905 build in 8.2).

    I'll clone my VM and upgrade to ubuntu 18.04 to see if that resolves it. If not, I'll post my terminal output. I appreciate your help.

  • jaykass

    Basically my fork could work too for S905 but first some project specific args have to be passed to several packages. For example Retroarch has specific build args for generic & RPi and IMHO S905 will then need some specific stuff too. Same goes for emulation cores, most of them have specific make flags according to the project. If an emulator needs optimizations for S905 this has to be passed too.


    My MakeMKV package checks and updates the key if necessary. Normally you don't have to change or add the beta key yourself.

    Edited once, last by 5schatten (August 27, 2018 at 3:43 PM).

  • 5schatten

    Ok, I had a look in the addon directory, but didn't see anything. I have an own script that I always used to update the key. I noticed today

    that they seem to have renewed the MakeMKV forum site, so my script didn't work anymore. Had to change it. Have you checked if your updater works?

  • andersos

    It's basically this file at libreelec-9.0-rr · 5schatten/ · GitHub but the MAKEMKV_KEY line had to be updated according to the new https:// address also awk & cut had to be adjusted.


    delete your config file and see if this new add-on version creates a new one with a valid key

    Edited 2 times, last by 5schatten (August 28, 2018 at 9:56 PM).

  • jaykass

    Well I had a look into your fork and I would really recommend a clean start. AFAIK you mostly copied escalades packages but those use the LE8.2 build system which has been changed in LE9.0 also you have some... well call it interesting way to sort the packages. Have a look in mine and escalades repo and try to keep the way we order our files. It's easier to keep your repo clean and tidy.

    About moonlight I guess you have just cloned my repo and copy'n pasted my files? Well won't work. You have to check the dependencies for each package and make sure these packages were build as they should be build. For example moonlight needs opus shared libs but you haven't changed the upstream LE9.0 opus package so it still builds as static lib.

    If you really want to create your own fork then first dig through mine or escalades commits and try to understand what we added and changed to make it work, otherwise you'll run into a lot of problems and building the projects will fail. I did this myself, forked escalades repo and updated / changed it according to my needs until I had enough knowledge about the underlaying system so I could "hard fork" it and rebase it on my own agains LE9.0 upstream code.

  • 5schatten

    I installed the 9.0.0 zip. The makemkvcon file looks the same as in previous version. I changed the key in settings.conf and ran makemkvcon.

    The result was


    Which means that the update didn't work.

    I notice they now have made a redirect from old url to new. But it's best to change the url in the script to MakeMKV is free while in beta - if the redirect disappears in the future.

    Fyi, in my script I get the key like this :

    NewKey=$(curl --silent '' | grep -oE '<code>[^<]*</code>' | sed 's/<\/\?[^>]\+>//g')

    That may be easier to maintain for future changes.

  • Well I didn't really change anything in particular beside the script but I guess there have been some updates how the LE build system handles & creates add-ons. Anyway if it works it's fine.

  • jaykass

    Basically my fork could work too for S905 but first some project specific args have to be passed to several packages. For example Retroarch has specific build args for generic & RPi and IMHO S905 will then need some specific stuff too. Same goes for emulation cores, most of them have specific make flags according to the project. If an emulator needs optimizations for S905 this has to be passed too.

    I believe I implemented a few changes for s905 but didn't spend much time optimizing. It all seems to work at reasonable speeds so I haven't spent anymore time on it.

  • jaykass

    Well I had a look into your fork and I would really recommend a clean start. AFAIK you mostly copied escalades packages but those use the LE8.2 build system which has been changed in LE9.0 also you have some... well call it interesting way to sort the packages.

    Interesting? Lol. Thanks for having a look. It's important to know that the Leia branch is what I am currently working on.


    About moonlight I guess you have just cloned my repo and copy'n pasted my files? Well won't work. You have to check the dependencies for each package and make sure these packages were build as they should be build. For example moonlight needs opus shared libs but you haven't changed the upstream LE9.0 opus package so it still builds as static lib.

    Exactly what I did. I didn't think about other packages you may have changed having an impact. Great call out. Thank you.


    If you really want to create your own fork then first dig through mine or escalades commits and try to understand what we added and changed to make it work, otherwise you'll run into a lot of problems and building the projects will fail. I did this myself, forked escalades repo and updated / changed it according to my needs until I had enough knowledge about the underlaying system so I could "hard fork" it and rebase it on my own agains LE9.0 upstream code.

    This is basically what I'm doing. I only commented on the S905 since I had some basic stuff working on it already. Otherwise, I was just trying to understand how to get moonlight working. And you've given me some great direction, so again, thank you.

  • jaykass

    I'm talking about the leia branch at leia · jaykass/ · GitHub and to be exactly about this at leia · jaykass/ · GitHub looks a bit messy to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Better create dedicated top directories like retroarch-frontend or libretro or whatever and put all the specific packages in each one. For example like this: at le82 · escalade/ · GitHub at libreelec-9.0-rr · 5schatten/ · GitHub

    Same goes for depends, drivers and all the stuff you need for the packages you add.

    Basically if your changes work for S905 I would grab them and add them to my packages too.

    Edited 2 times, last by 5schatten (August 30, 2018 at 10:50 AM).