Audio over HDMI Broken (Static, popping)

  • Long-time XBMC / KODI user, attempting to move from OpenElec on an IonITX Atom build, to Libreelec on an HP EliteDesk 800 G2 Mini (Intel Chipset using the HDMI add-on module)

    I've installed LibreElec 8.2.5 without any drama. Connected to the media library, everything seems to be working ok, except that audio (any source) is presented with a terrible cracking / static.
    I've changed the Output configuration to Fixed (various rates) with no effect.

    HDMI is connected directly to the TV. Cable is known to be good, and the TV has no trouble on the older machine.

    I haven't tested the new pc thoroughly yet. Next step is to install Windows 10, and see if I can swap various drivers etc. I'd rather not run KODI on Windows, but will if I need to.

    Debug at
    (Movie tested for log is Braveheart)

    Sunk 2 solid days into this, and I'm at the end of my rope. Please help :)

  • Quick note to intercept obvious observation:

    The following is just the currently set conversion setting. I've tried 48k, as well as others, and it hasn't made much difference.
    I'm sure there's SOME improvement with some settings over others, but then again I've got to the point where it all sounds the same now!

    08:35:10.268 T:140684644812544  NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86019, channels: 6, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through)
    08:35:10.268 T:140687156705024    INFO: CActiveAE::ApplySettings - Forcing samplerate to 96000
  • Your hdmi devices only show 2 channels (FL,FR). Do you have the Kodi audio set to 2 channels ?

    What is the model or part number of the HP hdmi addon module ?

    Installing Windows would narrow down your problem

  • Yup, Just 2 channels for the time being. There's no other digital out option for audio, and at the moment, the TV (2 channel out) is the only receiver I'm using.

    I think I'll look at setting up Windows on a spare SSD - This will at least give me some more troubleshooting options