running latest stable build, video is jerky for 1080p

  • installed latest stable build, playing 1080p file from NAS, video is jerky. core i5, 4gb RAM, amd 5450 card. gig switch. do i need to install AMD drivers for card? ifso, how? great software so far./shrug

    • Official Post

    AMD support hasn't always been optimal (thanks to the lack of proper AMD video drivers).

    Does your Core i5 have an internal GPU onboard? It's likely much better supported than the old AMD 5450.

    Also, h264 videos should not be a problem. However, h265/HEVC videos will have to use the CPU for decoding, which can be a problem on older machines, resulting in a jerky video display or even slide shows.

    Installing drivers separately in LibreELEC is not an option. All things need to be compiled along with the rest of the source code into a new build.

  • does have internal GPU, but does not have hdmi out, thats why i use a hd5450 card. when i used kodibuntu, i logged into desktop, removed nvidia drivers and installed fireGL, i believe it was called. after that, no issues. when i set resolution to 720p on current setup, seems to work fine.