Movie Library on secondary HDD intermittently cannot be found on LibreELEC 8.2.5

  • I have LibreELEC 8.2.5 Linux running on a PC based Media Centre. I have recently upgraded the hardware to included a second 4TB HDD to contain half of my movies. The a library of the movies across both drives is able to be generated. Likewise I am able to have content from an external USB drive be scanned and added to the library.

    The issue is that about once a week the movies on the secondary 4TB HDD go "missing" as in the library cannot locate the files, yet a search through the file explorer shows that they haven't moved at all. I have to refresh the media location and tag it as "Movies" and flush the HDD location to add the movies again to the library.

    This intermittent problem only effect the internal HDD and not the external HDD connected through USB.

    Is there a solution for this, or is this a quirk I will be having to live with?

  • Normally all drives get their own device number in Linux, just lilke the drive letters in Windows. Hower, LibreELEC may get confused when drives with identical names for partitions are used. Or missing partition labels at all. The same may apply to identical path names.

    Can you connect all possible drives, log into your LibreELEC box, via SSH, and get us the output URLs of :

    blkid | pastebinit
    mount | pastebinit

    Hopefully that will clarify things for us a bit.